Out of Control

Had one of those nightmares last night, the kind you can’t easily wake from or shake off. I don’t remember the specifics of the first one, just the general idea that I was possessed. It was terrifying.

When I finally did get back to sleep and stopped dreaming about demonic possession, I dreamt there was a tornado headed right for me. I was walking with my toddler in my arms and we had nowhere to run. We weren’t near our house. A person finally came out and screamed for us to get inside with them. I tucked my baby close to me as we huddled in the bath tub while the roof was torn off the house.

When I woke up, I searched the meaning for possession and tornadoes in dream analysis. Both meant an overwhelming feeling of helplessness and feeling oppressed in a relationship with someone who has violent or angry outbursts. That about sums it up.

Are you dreaming?

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